Story Therapy

Easiest way to get your child to listen to you and adopt positive habits.

Story Therapy

Scolding and yelling is not going to make your child to adopt the positive habits and character traits willingly.
Many parents say their child doesn't listen to them even if the shout loudly. Most children just ignore what the parents say because they keep their parents yelling and shouting in their noise zone(I will tell more in the next post) but have you tried telling them stories?
The story has a unique potential of teaching by attraction which any other form of teaching lacks because the involvement of child is maximum when a story is being told.
That is the reason storytelling is the most powerful tool to give your child the wisdom you hold close to your heart.
Now you may think that you have to buy more storybooks but you have to realize that your child is unique and you need unique stories for educating, inspiring, transforming and engaging and storybooks can't be written for your individual needs.
Most storybooks are out of sync with your personal beliefs, values, culture and the personal need of your child.
That is the reason I suggest stop depending on storybooks and start making your own impactful stories. The stories that integrates child psychology in wonderful story frameworks to help you achieve stress free parenting.
I call this story therapy, where you make stories for almost all the situations in parenting journey to heal, rectify and connect with your child.
That is the reason I am trying to share my experience of storytelling which has worked wonder for my kids transformation.
Even if I can inspire one parent to take up this process of parenting I will be grateful.
Remember a minute spend with your child now will save you hours of explanations and arguments when they are in their teen.

Nitin Guptta
Author and Vedic Parenting Coach

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